Please complete the form below if you are interested in virtually attending our 2023 Annual General Meeting.
  • The meeting will be held on Thursday 14th December 2023 at 1pm.
  • You must register your interest by 5pm on Thursday 7th December 2023.


The event will take place in-person at our Cheadle office and on Microsoft Teams and is exclusively for members to join. We will be sending all of the event details directly to our registered attendees via email closer to the time. Please note that you only need to register your interest online if you wish to attend virtually. You do not need to register your interest to attend in-person.
  • You must be a member of No1 CopperPot Credit Union to be able to attend our Annual General Meeting.
  • Please enter the email address you will use when joining the call.
  • Please note that you only need to register your interest online if you wish to attend virtually. You do not need to register your interest to attend in-person.