Plant the seeds for 2016…
Many of us find ourselves in January, trying to get back on track financially. Whether you are thinking about saving up for the following Christmas or saving for that dream holiday, January is the perfect time to plant the seeds for the future.
We know that New Year’s resolutions don’t always tend to work out, although we may always have good intentions! But when you can save or repay any loans direct from payroll; there’s no reason why you would not benefit.
Think about it…
If you saved £20 per month, by next December you would have £240 waiting for you to spend. However, if you decided to save £50 per month, you would have a fantastic sum of £600, which you can use for whatever you like.
As we recently announced in December 2015, the dividend rate on the Member Account was 1.8%. Whilst the Reserve Account is currently paying 2% AER for this quarter (1st January – 31st March 2016). These are both fantastic accounts offered exclusively to you as a No1 CopperPot Credit Union member, to help you to plant the seeds for the future and achieve that dreaded ‘’New Year’s resolution.
If you already embrace and enjoy the benefits of saving with us, then why don’t you share these great rates with your colleagues and family, who may not already be members with us. Recommend us today and together we can grow our Credit Union and enjoy the benefits together.
Hope you all have a wonderful New Year from all the staff at No1 CopperPot Credit Union.