Annual General Meeting Notice 2019
In accordance with Rule 79 of the approved Rule Book of No1 Police Credit Union Limited (trading as No1 CopperPot Credit Union) notice is given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at Slater House, Oakfield Road, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheadle SK8 3GX at 1pm on Thursday 19th December 2019. All members are invited to attend.
The meeting will consider
- The receipt of the accounts and balance sheet and of the reports of the Board of Directors and the auditor;
- The appointment of an auditor as recommended by the Board of Directors;
- The election of the Board of Directors;
- The application of surplus;
- Rule changes.
No rule changes have been proposed by members in accordance with Rule 143.
The Board of Directors also have to consider whether to bring any rules changes to the AGM.
An agenda has been published on the members area of our website, which all members have access to when logged in. You will be able to find it under the heading ‘Annual General Meeting.’ The agenda outlines the detail of any rule changes proposed by the Board of Directors.
There will be one vacancy on the Board of Directors which is as a result of one of the current directors, Fiona Worrall, having completed her three year term of office. She has submitted a nomination for re-election. In accordance with Rule 96 nominations for consideration of election to directors positions at the AGM must be lodged at the credit union offices by commencement of business on Monday 21st  October. Should nominations exceed the number of positions available an election will take place at the AGM.
The Directors have also agreed a formal succession planning document which will see us advertising widely for new Directors at the end of 2020.